Is your business growing slowly? Has it flatlined? Or is it tanking?

Many businesses have become stuck in a rut. Rallying troops each year behind superficial sales themes and war cries, but actually missing the point when it comes to best practice in today’s new business world.

High growth businesses today need to focus on four critical dimensions:

  1. employee engagement behind a values driven purpose
  2. radical transparency and brutal honesty
  3. matrix collaboration (vertical and horizontal) with common KPIs and overcoming ego
  4. actionable data insights

How to achieve 20% growth


Aberdeen Group Research unearths that companies with strong sales and marketing alignment achieve 20% annual revenue growth versus -4%* decline in laggard organizations.

So it’s no wonder that one of the major obstacles to growth is the divide in many organisations between Sales and Marketing Teams.

Sales believing they can burn through prospects (ie: people!) and end at closing a deal. And Marketing failing to recognise or measure what they do in terms of value creation. Or what we call value acceleration.

Introducing Growth Acceleration Planning (GAP)

We have been developing a Growth Acceleration Planning service to help align sales and marketing departments.

It measures an organisation on 16 standards of excellence including advocacy, rituals, system thinking, decision making, route to market, data actions, coaching skills, knowledge transfer and behaviours and more.

Ultimately delivering:

  1. smarter more capable teams
  2. better marketing and sales alignment
  3. more customer centric sales and marketing activity
  4. portfolio and NPD alignment with future profit pools

Interested to discuss how GAP could be applied to your business?